Friday, December 9, 2011

Super Powers

"I wish I could fly!"
"I would be invisible."
"My power would be teleportation!"

Does this sound like a conversation that you have had in your youth? Or maybe you had it last week. It's an ageless topic since the dawn of fairy tales and comics: if you could have any super power, what would it be? The choices range from the common ones listed above, include super strength and x-ray vision, and vary as a far as the ability to find the best shopping deal in the city or lethal bile projection (someone actually came up with that once!). No matter what the power is, it belies a desire to be something special or to make an aspect of your life easier. But because they are so hypothetical, we come up with the most outlandish and improbable killer bile. What would you choose if I asked you what real life ability do you wish you had?

My very first blog was about having many talents and not knowing which one to choose to pursue. It's ironic that I still wish that I had yet ANOTHER talent. I get jealous of anyone, especially men, who have this talent, and in particular, if they don't use it.

I wish I could sing.

Simple. And for clarification, I don't want to be a famous singer or use my voice for monetary gain. I just want to be able to sing to my wife and my child and have them enjoy my voice. Or sing at church (step one: join church). Or sing my fraternity hymn in key for once. Simple. Every time I see someone effortlessly belting out a tune at karaoke or just singing while working, I wish that I could trade one of my attributes for that one.

The funny thing is that someone who knows me may say, "why are you jealous of singers? You are a great photographer, orator, and writer. Surely, those talents are just as fulfilling as being able to sing." That brings up an interesting point: sometimes, the super power is just out of our reach and we have to just sit and appreciate those who have it. For instance, have you ever wanted to be a great cook like your mom? Does someone's ability to build things impress you and make you wonder why you can't do that?

Super powers are cool to dream about but what's that one, seemingly unattainable, skill that you wish you had? And how "unattainable" is it really? Is there a dream that you have put on the back burner? I know that if I took lessons, I probably could develop a good voice, however, there is NO room left on my plate. That's my excuse. Do you have one too?

These are my thoughts...what are yours?


Anonymous said...

I've struggled with respiratory issues since I was a kid (as have 2 of my brothers). Maybe that's why I often wish/dream that I could run. I mean RUN. Like the east African marathoners, except at sprint speed. As it is, I get winded just walking fast.


Hayden said...

Don't worry, Ronke: I'm in perfect health and I get winded walking too! God forbid I have to climb stairs!!

Brooke said...

This may sound lazy, but I wish I had a killer work ethic. Like a Kobe in the 4th, Beyonce, work ethic. I'd probably be published by now.

Frat said...

Put the hamburger down Hayden and you won't be do winded!!!!!! LOL

Logic1914 said...

WOW, I have been singing for as far back as I can remember. That was something passed onto me by my mom. Dad cannot sing at all. I was just always under the belief that anyone could carry a note. I guess I was wrong.

Don't feel bad though cause I wish I was handy and able to fix things around my apartment. I guess that is what building management is for.

LeonX said...

Regarding your singing I must disagree with this post. I am a firm believer in the African proverb "If you can talk you can sing. If you can walk you can dance." Your voice possesses its own special and unique melody. That is the main reason I wanted you to be a part of the Founders Day reading we did some time ago.

Hayden said...

Man I wish I ate badly. That way I coud explain why I'm outa shape!! LOL

Brooke, I totally feel you. If I had THAT kinda drive, I'd be rich!! Or at least published, like you said.

Lorenzo, that my point exactly. You can sing and I wish I could but it's natural to you. I on the other hand can build a house if you give me the tools and you wish you coud just fix things around the house.

Like I said on FB Leon, you are one of a few people who feel that way about my singing. I appreciate your vote of confidence though!