Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The first rant

So here is the first rant of the year for me. As I mentioned in my last post, I haven't done one in nearly a year and I have held a loooot of stuff in. Here are some of the things that have bothered me.

Mild winter complainers
In NYC, we had a VERY mild winter. In fact, we barely ever went below 20 degrees F and it snowed twice with minimal accumulation. The heaviest snow we got was actually in OCTOBER and barely anything else since then. This is the same city that got pummeled by Snowpocalyse last winter so in my humble Caribbean based opinion, we deserved a break. So imagine my surprise when I hear people COMPLAINING that we didn't get snow and how mild it was. I might be inclined to listen to those who are purporting this as a harbinger of global warming...might. But when you're mad because you like the snow and the cold weather and you're mad because for once NY skipped a season and it wasn't FALL, I bid you a adieu and suggest you move your frigid behind to Montreal or Siberia (same thing) and co-habitate with penguins and yaks. And these are ALWAYS people who don't have to shovel a yard or dig out a car! We got enough snow for TWO winter last year, you inconsiderate yeti. Cut us some slack.

Close sitter.
Subways are crowded. I get it. This is not about that. I know when there are a bunch of people on the train that we should all be considerate and take up only the space we need and no more. But when the damn train starts to clear out and there is an empty space next to you that no-one is even attempting to sit, move your ass over! This always happens to me when I am stuck near a pole and can't get away from the close sitter. I start to wonder if the Axe shower gel that I used really does attract people or if they are trying to pick my pocket. Either way, they need to do like Onyx and back the **** up!

Technology snobs
I have an iPad. It's an original iPad and it's not 4G wireless. It does what I need it to do. I am normally not one of those people that has to get the new gadget as soon as it comes out. I may WANT it as soon as it debuts but I'm frugal (read: cheap) so I don't run out an buy the new toy on the day of its release. I may eventually get it but I'm in no rush. I especially won't get the new thing if I feel like I will never use the new features and if the current machine suits me just fine. But here come these tech snobs acting like I'm working on an abacus because I'm still using an original iPad. Really!?! You think you're hotter than me me because you burned 3 vacation days camping outside of an Apple store or you preordered yours and lived in a constant state of alternating anticipation and frustration as you waited for it to arrive? Well if that's the case, you win my geeky friend. The battle is yours but you are clearly losing the war on "cool"...woefully.

You didn't get what you wanted in your last contract negotiations. We get it. Now we just need you to admit that you're sabotaging our service! There are less trains during rush hours and good luck catching one off peak. We understand: you're pissed. But don't blow smoke up our asses and tell us that your service is getting BETTER!!! We don't believe you. You need more people (thanks Jay). Ughhhh

Ok I'm done...for now...

These are my thoughts...what are yours.


Aisha G of HartlynKids said...

So angry!!! I laughed out loud at the thought of the original IPad being an abacus... that's pretty damn funny.

Hayden said...

Right! Think about how you look at someone with an original iPod! It's almost a relic and it virtually just came out in the grand scheme of things!

Anonymous said...

Hilarious. Especially the close subway sitter. I wonder if I am rude when I move over after the train is cleared.

Hayden said...

Sometimes I'm too lazy to get up . Hate that!

FocusedFemaleGem said...

You should make a rant about the homeless man that walks on the train and clears out an entire cart only to get off the next stop.... Jdbekbjensbdhwbs!!!!!!!!!!

Hayden said...

WOW!!! Yeah the homeless on the train always force you to make hard decisions. You don't want to judge your fellow man but holding your breathe for ten stops isn't desirable either!

Thought's Daughter said...

I'll save my comments being that I am two of the four things listed here. And you know me... so you know which ones.

Love you anyway you needing-to-move-to-florida-or-back-to-Trinidad-if-hot-is-all-you-want-non-up-on-the-latest-stuff-geek.


Hayden said...

That's OK Numba!! We're still cool! And for the record, I am not saying that it needs to be warm ALL the time. I'm just saying that we had a crap load of snow last year and people's back are STILL hurting from all that shoveling! It was nice to have a shovel free winter this year and folks are messing up my high! LOL