Monday, January 31, 2011

Micro blogs

This week I will be posting a bunch of Micro Blogs on a number of topics that I have been pondering but I haven't been able to flesh out a full blog on the subjects. I hope they invoke conversation but if they don't, I just wanted to get them off my mind!

Loss of innocence

Recently, I went to Disney's Princesses on Ice with my daughter. While trying to summon the internal fortitude to withstand the barrage of screaming pre-teens, I noticed something quite disturbing. In the row in front of us, an older woman and what I assumed was her granddaughter took their seats. The young woman who I would guess was around 13/14, was busy BBMing someone. Both my wife and I remarked on a time when ONLY business men had Blackberrys! Now even kids have them. But that's not what disturbed me. From where I sat, I could see her BBMs and they were full of curses and adult language. It made me wonder why a young girl still interested in Disney Princesses could at the same time be able to have such a potty mouth. I felt that I was officially completely befuddled by girl and, vis-a-vis women. Someone help as I attempt to raise my daughter


Groovy L.I. Chick said...

Let's not talk about how some of these pre-teen's dress.

Hayden said...

That's a WHOLE other post!! I am definitely of the "little girls should dress like little girls for as long as they are little girls" mindset! They will have ample time to dress like grown women later in life!