Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wednesday Wonderings: What's going on under Hayden's hat? #1

It's Wednesday and the middle of the week makes me think about the interesting questions in my world. Here is the question bouncing around under this week's hat. Feel free to comment on the question (or the hat, the hat for that matter). I may even give away something for the comment that makes me laugh (or think) the most. Have fun with it! 
(You know I had to start with THIS one! Bought it online)
Why is Staten Island still a borough? Isn't there another designation that we can give locale or vicinity? I'm just saying.  Maybe we could trade it to New Jersey in return for Liberty Island. It seems wrong that the Statue of Liberty has a NJ address...

These are my thoughts...what are yours?


Annamaria said...

Why is the Bronx THE BRONX & not BRONX like all the other boro's....

Larnel | Soul06 said...

Staten Island might as well be China in my book. Just the name of it sounds like its in some far off land. And like no one really even goes to Staten Island. At best you drive through Staten Island to get to a destination of more interest. Like........New Jersey????? Wait a

Aisha G of HartlynKids said...

Hayden taught me this. Bronx is the Bronx because it was named after the Bronx family who were major landowners in the area. When people would go to the area they would say they were going to see The Bronxes or The Bronx family. It stuck