Friday, September 10, 2010

Which way did he go?

I've got lots of crazy ideas floating around in my head. That same head wears a bunch of hats that don't always relate to each other. To put it simply, I have a LOT of stuff going on. My wife would tell you that I have TOO much stuff going on! There are days that I agree with her.

But here is the major quandary: if I pick just one thing and stick it, how do I know that I picked 'the right thing' ?

The secondary quandary is how MUCH can I do WELL at once?

On any given day I can be either a family man, educator, novelist, childrens book author, poet, photographer, or a very involved fraternity man. People have made entire careers out of just ONE of those things! I haven't even added in hobbies yet! It would so easy if I didn't feel passionate about it all.

So in the end this is not an attempt to figure out which one I should emphasise. This is more about understanding my quest for the 30 hour day or for the perfection of human cloning. I hope you stick around for the ride. I like to think it's pretty interesting!


Aisha G of HartlynKids said...

I only say you do too much because I'm jealous at my lack of talent. Cheers!

Monica said...

As long as it feels right, you are doing the right thing. When it vexes you, time to move on!

Chocolate Mom aka Blupoetres said...

Welcome to the Blogosphere!!!