Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Oh NO you don't!

Last night, my wife hailed a cab and he wouldn't let her in until she told him where she was going. It was midnight, she had just gotten in from out of town, and she was standing outside of Penn Station. She reminded him that he wasn't allowed to do that and that he was obligated to take her where she wanted to go. He then promptly turned off his light, declared that he was now off duty and the proceeded to pick up a white couple down the street. Yes, people; this is still happening! But that's not the point of my post today. My wife took down his hack number and called 311 to file a complaint . She agreed to come out to a hearing just to make sure this guy didn't get away with that behavior. And THAT is my point.
In this city, (and maybe others but I live here) people get away wit h a ton of stuff because no-one wants to go through the hassle of holding them accountable. I wager that cabbies get away with doing that kind of thing all the time because, unlike my wife, no-one wants to go through the whole process of documenting this stuff. Contractors are able to provide crappy service with no history of their misdeeds. Companies provide bad service with nary a call to Better Business Bureau. Even when there are people who stand up for what's right, these reporting agencies make you jump through hoops just to say that someone sucks!
But it's not just businesses and service people. It's regular folk too. My favorites: the cutters! You know who I mean: the people who see you waiting patiently and decide that they are too good for the archaic practice of forming a queue! I have NO tolerance for these people. However, unlike a lot of people who would simply say "did that guy just cut the line? Now that's just wrong!" themselves, I put people on BLAST! I'm the guy that will shout them out like they stole something because to me they did! And we need more people to call people out when they do stupid stuff or break the rules or the law, for that matter, right in front of us.
There is a new concept of bystander-ism that purports that we all have a responsibility to not stand idly by as these things happen. I think that our city would be much more pleasant (not saying that it isn't but it still has room for improvement) if people didn't do grimy stuff just because they know they can get away with it. So stand up to those cutters, litterers, cell phone users on buses, and the jerks who pee in the elevators in the projects! And people, if you see someone standing up for what right and it looks like they are getting a hard time from the perpetrator, don't let the guy get his ass whooped by himself!! There is strength in numbers! Help a brother/sister out! Let's make this a better place, folks!

These are my thoughts...what are yours?


Annamaria said...

I LOVE YOUR WIFE... This is right up her alley & that cab driver is going to regret the day he ever met her! LOL

Things like this annoy the hell out of me. In the past week I have filed TWO complaints at work against TWO different banks with the federal banking department. AND I tased a lady on the bus because she didn't keep her ASS contained to her seat & thought it was ok to practically sit on me.. (SHOUT OUT TO THE TASER APP ON MY PHONE)
Then I had to curse an Asian lady out because instead of holding on to the pole on the bus she held on to a handicapped man's crutch almost causing him to fall..
I swear I want to slap people's mother's every day for not teaching them basic manners..But I have a taser now.. And I will be using it. So watch out people.

Aisha G of HartlynKids said...

I will not be denied!!!!

Hayden said...

I love my wives. Y'all are gansta!

N. Nicholes said...

Where can I get a taser?

Michel said...

Aisha..You go girl...Stand up for your rights! Hayden I agree with you some what on standing up to regular folks. In my younger days I would cursed someone out in a minute, but now that I have a family I think twice before saying something to someone because the end results may not be worth it. Too many lives are cut short because people exchange words for minor things.

Hayden said...

Chi-Tash you are officially banned from having a taser. We would break the bank with the amount of times we would have to bail you out of jail!!

Hayden said...

I hear you Michel and I agree: you need to properly evaluate the situation. If it looks like this people is looking for a fight or to be belligerent, then choose another battle. But there are a constant stream of people just trying to 'get over' that need to be called out!

Annamaria said...

I have an android phone. If you go into apps & search tasers there is a free app for that.. If you live in Conneticut you can also legally buy a taser for about $30... I've been writing to my Senator's in NY to get them legal..


Hayden said...

Please don't encourage Chi-Tash, Anna...and note to self: don't let Anna visit the state of Conn.!!

Annamaria said...

If I ever disappear for a weekend & come back smiling.. You know I went to Conn... LMAO...
And you might wanna call your frat bro & check on him

ann said...

There are some rude and nasty people in this world...While away this week with my husband and 11.5 month old twin boys I got a taste of this...As you know Hayden my baby boys are 1/2 Asian and this man broke his neck to stare at the boys and I while we waited for my husband to come out from placing a food order...Now, this isnt the first time my boys and I had someone break their neck to stare but, was the first time a grown man walked past me then took his wife and turned around...When he approached me he asked if my boys were mine or did I adopt them....I looked @ him slightly stunned that in 2011 someone would ask that...I said yes, my husband is Chinese and pointed to him in the store...This kind of behavior is sick