Tuesday, July 5, 2011

We like to WATCH....

I was talking to my wife the other day after she caught me peeking into her shirt. She told me to quit it and then wondered why I was sneaking around, trying to catch a glimpse of something that I could see and do see every day. I reminded her about one of the things that women never seem to understand about us: we are visual creatures. Furthermore, men love gets sneak peaks at something that's supposed to be covered up. It is the sole reason for lingerie! Ask any man which is sexier to him, a woman standing in his bedroom doorway completely naked or a woman standing there wearing some revealing lingerie. Most men go for the latter! Why? Because men love sneak peeks. (note: this is in no way to imply the totally naked woman won't get our attention too. Feel free to employ THAT tactic too!) An entire industry caters to that one truth about the heterosexual male species. Unfortunately, women never seem to want to believe that it's actually true. I'm here to tell you all that it is.

It starts early too. As adolescents, we don't want to necessarily sleep with every girl in school buuuuuuut if we could sneak a peek at a forbidden body part, most men will admit to that basest carnal inclination! And this applies even to the girls that we weren't attracted to! There is something about being able to say, "I saw something I wasn't supposed to" that is exhilarating. We ARE hard wired like that. Regardless of whether you believe it or not, it's true. Sorry....LOL

I think that it is unfortunate that women don't function this way as well. I often feel at a loss for things to do that are comparable to the donning of lingerie for my wife. Any "sexy" outfits created for men will always have the OPPOSITE effect to the one that was desired. Men, don't do it. I promise you it will NOT end well!

So what is the solution. Women, I refer you to the famous Cosby episode where grandpa Huxtable recanted a story about a burlesque dancer who would "show a little bit of shoulder, then take it away". Grandma Huxtable was furious because that memory was SO vivid in his mind. Men remember things like that....always. Why I still remember when my wife....ummm....errr....well....let's just say it was memorable...

So if I can give one piece of advice it would be for women to believe the truth: men like to watch. Ladies, give 'em something to look at.
These are my thoughts....what are yours?


Aisha G of HartlynKids said...


Hayden said...

I almost responded FOR you Aisha because I knew that's what you would say! LOL I love my wife...truly I do!

t.dixon said...

cute post!

Who are these women who don't realize/believe that the visual is key, for both sexes? i enjoy strategically wrapped towels and such around a man's waist.

I'd rather a man peek than not. It shows I still have something they're interested in. I think it's in our nature to enjoy seeing something we shouldnt. You see what gossip does to folks. If HEARING something forbidden sends us into a frenzy, SEEING something forbidden just drives us mad.

Larnel | Soul06 said...

I agree with this message.
We, the state of Man, like to look. In most cases we are already looking before we even consciously realize we are doing so. As hayden well put it, "its the idea of seeing something that we know we should not be able to see"

Hayden said...

I think hundreds of men get in trouble because they submit to the urge to look because they are visual creatures. Like Larnel said, sometimes you're looking and not even realizing that you're staring. My wife has to stop me from staring all the time (at everything else not women. I work extra hard NOT to look in the direction of a pretty woman on the street. But I stare a people...they interest me! LOL) and i can imagine how easy it is for men who are not working that hard to slip!

Annamaria said...

Who said women aren't visual creatures... We're just better at being non-chalant about it! LMAO

Hayden said...

I think the point is that you are actually ABLE to be nonchalant about it whereas men aren't.

Brooke said...

When I read "men like to watch" as the title, I had something else in mind...cuz I like to watch too...but I digress ;-)

I'm guilty of not putting much thought into lingerie, etc., but I'm working on it. I'm more into comfort than lace...so it's going to take some time before I embrace Victoria's Secret. I always thought I was sexy in an over sized t-shirt with all my legs hanging out and nothing else rather than a corset, lace stockings and a thong. I guess it's all relative, and sexy is a state of mind....so long as we give them a little to look at. Taking mental notes as I type.

It's funny you put the Cosby reference in your post. A month ago, a guy I once dated a while ago told me that he thought I was sexy because of this dress I wore...it was his favorite dress. I said to him, "Why did you like that dress so much? It was plain and didn't fit me well, it was too big." He said, "I know, and your strap kept sliding off...revealing your shoulder...and I thought your bare shoulder was so sexy." I thought it was an alien, but now after reading your post, I guess it makes sense. Go figure.

Hayden said...

It's true!! I can see my wife buck naked whenever I want buuuuuuut she puts on a wife beater and I find myself peeking at her from the corner of my eye! It's a damn wife beater! LOL

Brooke said...

Wife beaters are sexy - I bet Aisha be killin' you in it! LOL!

N. Nicholes said...

My husband could have written this. Word for word. Darn shame.

Hayden said...

That's a testament to the fact that I speak da truff!