Chelsea Handler is a drunk. Ke$ha is a drug abuser. And Lindsey Lohan has made a career out of her trips to rehab. So what? Generally I wouldn't care if these weren't clear examples of the hypocrisy of the media and at the way it looks at drug use.
I was listening to Ryan Seacrest during his weekly top forty show. One of his guests was Ke$ha and he was congratulating her nominations for an upcoming award show. In his description of his relationship with here and in his interview, he spoke as if she was an upstanding member of our community. Ke$ha is an admitted drug user. Something our society is supposed to frown upon right? But Seacrest and most people think that she is soooo cute.
Chelsea Handler hosted this year's MTV video awards and she is not shy about constantly telling people how much she drinks. In fact, on the show, she mentioned how high she was. Alcoholics and drug users aren't supposed to be lauded in our society right? And then she had a cameo from Lindsey Lohan who seems to have more chances than a cat has lives.
I don't want to come across as a right wing conservative here. I don't care about you getting high and drinking your liver into oblivion. What I do care about is that the same network that runs anti drug adds is the same one that celebrates all of these people and their drug abuse. As an educator, it is EXTREMELY challenging to keep our messages straight when people who are delivering their message can't seem to keep their focus straight. I believe that the family needs to raise our children but their job becomes harder when there is clear inability of the media as to who they want people to associate with.
But I'm just rambling....
I SOOO feel you on this post. I really can't over/inner/understand why people are so shocked by the way kids are turning to substances these days. The msgs are very mixed. Teenagers and the like are just following what they see in the media. The other day I was at the bus stop and a kid not more than 14/15 was walkin bookbag in hand dressed in his school uniform... smoking some black and milds SMH I would of drop two lashes on him but as a mandated reporter I'd have to tell on myself.
Let a star with a drop of melanin proclaim the same and see how the media treats them.
No more parties Fatima....
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