Monday, January 17, 2011


So I am a die hard Jets fan. I don't like the team. I don't root for the team. I am not a bandwagon fan. I am a J-E-T-S FAN!!!  There is sooo much implicit in that one statement . Fan comes from the word fanatic. Fanatic as in a person with EXTREME ZEAL!  Fans are crazy people and that is no more evident than when your team is contention for that sport's championship. The Jets are one game away from going to the Super Bowl and that has resulted in some of the strangest behavior from otherwise sane, and normally docile, people! For instance:

  • First, everyone congratulates you on your team's victory or gives you hell when they lose. But the truth of the matter is that you have never played on microsecond for the team nor do you have 2 cents invested in the ownership, so why do people act like you have your 401K tied to the success of the team? Save some of the  accolades for when I do something important like be a good father or an amazing husband! LOL
  • Fans are superstitious. When the Patriots pulled to within 3 points, I actually went upstairs and put on my Jets sweatshirt because "they needed reinforcements"!! I knew it was completely illogical but I did it anyway! When they won, I partially credited the sweatshirt to their victory. I'm going to start using that in everyday life. Next time I have a salary negotiation, I'm going to wear my lucky blue boxer briefs and attribute my raise to fortuitous underwear.
  • Fan-dom separates friends and makes for strange bedfellows. I have had some of my best peeps talk crap to me because I was a fan of one team or another, and vice versa. In fact, there are people close to me who I am not on good terms with for an entire season sometimes. On the other hand, while wearing my Jets gear, perfect strangers have come up to me and had an entire conversation with me just because we support the same team!! These are people who wouldn't think about talking to me otherwise. And then there are the people who I'm not really cool with that will leave me commiserate messages like we hung out every weekends for the last 20 years!! This is sports people. Religion and politics divide us enough. Let's not add professional games to the list too!! 

There are other weird things too. Shirtless buffoons with the teams name painted on their chest in -10 degree weather. People with entire rooms in their house dedicated to a team and they're NOT a representative of the front office. People who are fans of the Bills. These are all strange behaviors! But what the heck. We're FANS and by definition we're a little extreme...


Larnel | Soul06 said...

Hilarious yet so true. I am a die hard Tampa Bay fan. I've been hanging out with my fiance and had the day go straight to hell merely because my team lost a close needed game and I was now in a pisses off mood.

Anonymous said...

shirtless buffoons. lol
from the doughboy

Hayden said...

Larnel, My wife knows to steer clear of me when the Jets lose! It's a bad scene! LOL

and Dough, the day Saddam was captured, I was at a Jets game and some idiot had "Saddam: Game Over" written on his chest. It was brutally cold out there and there was a SNOWMAN sitting on the chair next to me. I was POSITIVE that he was laid up in the infirmary right after the game!

Aisha G of HartlynKids said...

... Good blog. Esp part about how it can separate and connect at the same time.

Anonymous said...

So very true Hayden, FANS are a next breed of ppl! I am still blaming myself for my team's loss, I should've worn the socks goshdarnit, the eye shadow, hat and hoodie wasnt good enough!

P.S. Love the blog!